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Setting up the Raspberry Pi

Running Prebuilt smartDormGeneric

Running smartDormGeneric on the Raspberry Pi once

  1. Rungit clone
  2. Runcd smartDormGeneric/
  3. Runnano Configuration.ini
  4. Fill out the configuration file, all fields are required for smartDormGeneric
    • To get the API key follow the instructions in "ShowWeather Prerequisites"
  5. Runjava -Xbootclasspath/a:/opt/pi4j/lib/pi4j-core.jar -jar /home/pi/smartDormGeneric/out/artifacts/smartDormGeneric_jar/smartDormGeneric.jar

Running smartDormGeneric on the Raspberry pi on startup

  1. Complete steps 1 in "Running smartDormGeneric on the Raspberry Pi once"
  2. Run sudo crontab -e
  3. Add the following entry @reboot cd /home/pi/smartDormGeneric && java -Xbootclasspath/a:/opt/pi4j/lib/pi4j-core.jar -jar /home/pi/smartDormGeneric/out/artifacts/smartDormGeneric_jar/smartDormGeneric.jar Replacing "pi" with the correct username

Developing your own LCDApps in Java

Libraries needed for development:

SendText Prerequisites

ShowWeather Prerequisites

For Weather Forecast usage:

Development Instructions

  1. Install Oracle JDK 8
  2. Clone
  3. Add the following libraries to your LCD Project:
  4. To emulate the screen declare a
final ILCD ilcd = new MockupLCD();

in 5. When ready to deploy to the Pi declare the ILCD as

final ILCD ilcd = new RealLCD();
